Lessons in the Night

Last night, Hopey woke up in the wee, dark hours, woke me up out of cozy deep sleep and yelled that she needed her “other” blankey. She didn’t exactly say it kind. She never does in the middle of the night. More like a demanding, belligerent tone. She needed her blankey, and she needed her “chocky” milk, and she needed to go potty. I just needed to sleep.

So, I got up and huffed and puffed to her room and scratched around in the dark for her other blankey and told her to be quiet, in a not-so-sweet tone of voice and took her potty and angrily told her to stop crying. After all, I was helping her, wasn’t I? Sheesh. Can’t a mama get some gratefulness at three in the morning?

As I bent down on the bathroom floor, pulling up her britches, frustrated that I had to lose some precious sleep, I felt the Spirit of Jesus nudging my heart. Couldn’t I love her like Him? Like He loves me? He doesn’t get angry when I need Him, no matter what time it is. He doesn’t make me feel bad for needing Him at all. He just bends low and scoops me up and talks kind.

So, I softened my voice and asked Hopey to forgive me for talking to her in my mean voice. Then I scooped her up and thanked God that I could do this. That I had the energy to get up in the middle of the night to help my little girl. And I thanked Him that I had a little girl at all.

Then I rocked her for a couple minutes and thanked Him that she was still little enough to hold. We smiled at each other in the dark and I knew that she felt loved. Because who wouldn’t feel loved when their mama stops yelling and just holds and comforts close?

I’m amazed at how thankfulness can change my attitude, and help me see that I have been given much, so I can love much. Perhaps thankfulness is what lets down the flood-gates of our hearts so that we’re even able to pour love out. Choosing to whisper thanks to God, immediately makes me aware of Him, that He is near, He is with me in this, and His heart is good. After all, He’s the One who blesses us richly with all these things to enjoy.

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. (1 Timothy 6:17)

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