Last week, Brent and I took Gideon to the County Fair. Can you believe just three years ago, Brent came up to me after work and nervously invited me to this same fair? That turned out to be our first “unofficial” date. I’d love to blog about our love story, but that’s for another time. This time, I just wanna take you along with me to see all the incredible animals we saw!
By the way, I LOVED the fair. I enjoyed it immensely! I went under the guise that I wanted to watch Gideon’s reaction as he noticed all these creatures for the first time, but to be honest, Brent ended up entertaining him most of time so I could just stand and stare and thoroughly enjoy myself.
I’m showing you my favorite animal first. My heart melted as soon as I saw him. Just look at his nobby little knees!

Gideon, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure about the goats.
Llamas are just not right.
Okay, that’s it, Llama-boy. Get out of my face. From now on you are dead to me.
Llamas are freaks.

Okay, I’m almost done. Just wanted to show you one last thing. I did learn something encouraging while at the fair…
Apparently, humans are not the only creatures with bad hair days. Chickens have them, too.
By the way, chickens are scary. I say that because I was chased by one as a wee child. I’m now terrified of loose chickens. I can appreciate them behind bars, but you get one in the yard with me, and I start sweating and get this nervous feeling in my stomach. (Side note…I do tend to exaggerate so please don’t take everything I write literally…thank you.)
Baby chicks, on the other hand, are some of the sweetest little creatures that ever existed. I love holding one in the palm of my hand and listening to it chirp. I really, really want a baby chick. Brent says ‘No’. He says, “What will you do when it grows up?” I say, “I will just give it away.” He laughs me to scorn. He says that no one will want one grown-up chicken…
I don’t blame them.
And that’s all I have to say about the fair. Thank you for listening.