When You Feel Helpless
Sometimes when I wake up in the night, I think about them. The girls who are lured in, and trapped and then repeatedly raped and brutally beat and they can't get out, for years, they can't get out, because they're victims of sex trafficking. I think about them when I'm safe in my bed next to my kind husband who protects us. And I think about them when I go in to check on my kids who are tucked in their beds all peaceful and resting and safe. And I feel so helpless to help them because I know that as I go about my life with my laundry piles and my wrecky house and my laughing, energetic kids, that they're out there somewhere and bad guys are in control of their lives and horrific, unspeakable things are happening to them. And some of them are just little kids, a lot like mine.Little kids, [...]