Category archives: Devotion

When Your Heart is Sore

Written for a friend with a sore heart. Hoping this will help, if even just a little.Photo creditI've been thinking about you here lately. Thinking about how it doesn't bug you to be alone, and  how much you like to go exploring, walking those winding sand-dune trails all the way to the sea. I think about how you don't give a rip what the neighbors think as you sit on your roof in the middle of your busy street, for hours, and stare at a rainbow until the last smidgen of color fades.  I've been thinking about the story you told me of how you found this one "wishing" tree out on the seacoast and this chair that hangs from it by one bolt and how you climbed up there and out on that limb and just sat there taking in all the view. The view of waves crashing and unfathomable dept[...]

When I'm Not Living the Way I Really Want to Live

Today, Grammy (Brent's mama) gave me an amazing gift. She came over for the afternoon to play with the kiddos while I got to do whatever my little heart desired. So, I packed up my back-pack (well, actually it was the diaper bag because in case you didn't know, the new cool is carrying around a diaper bag) and I headed out to the local coffee shop.Do you wanna know what I put in my diaper back-pack? Well, I was gonna put the lap-top in there but then I thought about what I most needed...and that was my Bible. Just my Bible and a journal.You see, lately, I've been missing something. I've been missing some quiet alone time with my Savior. I do try to read His Word each day, but usually, it's in between breakfast and play-time when I'm trying to keep Bubby from falling out o[...]

The Basics

I don't know about you, but I'm a feeler. Emotionally, I walk around in life feeling just about everything. It's easy for me to enter in to people's joy or pain. I don't really know any other way. Now, this works out great when I'm experiencing the happy moments with others, but when it comes to grief...ouch...I just start hurting, and hurting, and hurting.A strange thing happens inside me. I feel this tension within and my mind gets a little blurry and I become confused.Because on the one hand, I see so much beauty all around. There's all this light falling on unassuming places. These radiant beams that make ordinary things glorified. And this thrills me. Gives me hope. I breathe in deeply and feel comforted.But on the other hand, I see decay. Beauty marred. The once glorified now w[...]

What the Sky is Saying Today

In the early morning, I find myself wide awake. I keep rolling over and close my eyes tight, in hopes that I could just get a little more sleep, but these thoughts keeps rolling and my soul is feeling hungry. So, I shake off the drowsiness and find my Bible and a chair and sit outside.Today I want to see the sky. I want to watch the light breaking in and see the clouds shift and swirl like eddies in the ocean. And it's good for me to observe the birds fly across that great expanse of blue. I open up the Word--food for my soul--and am reminded that God speaks loud and clear and all I have to do is look up to see His existence written out on sky-canvas.The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (Psalm 19:1)The Lord is God, and He has made His light [...]

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