Category archives: Poetry

When Memories Brought Pain

I committed to one more post from my poetry days, so here it is.However, before I share this last poem with you, it begs a bit of background.As some of you know, I was adopted when I was a little girl. You can imagine that life before I was "rescued" was unsettling, to say the least. As a teenager, I had a hard time processing those early years. I wondered why God allowed certain things to happen. There were wounds and I struggled to understand why.My Mom introduced me to Jesus the same year her and Dad adopted me. I learned that He was kind and loving and merciful. But still there remained this question deep within. If He was truly kind, if He was truly loving, if He was truly merciful, then how, how could He allow such awful things to happen to a little girl who couldn't protect hersel[...]

The Whippoorwill's Song

Well, not to bore you, but I promised yesterday that I would do a couple more posts, taking you back to my early teenage years when I used to write poetry.However, before I share the next poem with you, I have to show you something that will make you laugh me to scorn.See this lovely book? Yes, yes, it's a dictionary. You know, what we used to use before everything went online.Before we had internet at our house a few weeks ago, I found myself in a quandary. I needed to check the spelling of a word, and to my horror, I didn't know what to do because I couldn't just look it up on the internet. But then I had this vague remembrance of how I actually used to look words up in this book. So, after pilfering through my library, I found this and dusted off the cover. I opened it find...T[...]

When I Used to be a Poet...

Did you know I used to be a poet? It's true. Back when I was a young, hormonal, highly self-conscious, desperately confused teenager.I'm so thankful for years that bring growth and maturity. Those were excruciatingly hard years. Those were the years I wasn't good at talking about my feelings. I'm sure I would at least try to convey them, but a few rambling words in and I'd be all confused again. And stuck. So, I think that's why I wrote poetry. It just came--I fell in love with beautiful words and scenery and somehow I seemed to get it onto a page.This is my poetry journal. It's only half full, but, oh the comfort it brought me every time I plunged myself into these billowing waves to release thoughts and feelings and imaginations.So, for the next few blog posts, I'm going to willingly emb[...]


Photo credit God, in His Word, talks about a kind of living life that is truly living: “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” I Timothy 6:17-19I love the following poem by my favorite poet, Ralph Cushman, because he expresses how there is seeing, and then there is truly seeing. Lord, help us to taste and see that You are good. Open our spiritual eyes to truly see as You've created us to. Reborn by Ralph Spaulding Cushman I did not kn[...]

Gift of Gifts

Today's poem is a sweet reminder that although God has blessed me abundantly, the greatest gift He's given me is the gift of Himself.Lord, please be my chief delight. I have looked to You to meet my deepest needs...You are truly satisfying. photo credit Gift of Giftsby Ralph Spaulding CushmanLife is worth while, dear God,To those who know this rich companionship with Thee;Each morning as the day flames forth,Each evening in a sweet tranquility.Ten million million gifts spring from Thy hand,Of up-flung mountains, evening skies, a tree!Yet never one can quite compare with this--The giving of Thyself to me!________________________________________

This Day

This week I'm featuring a poem a day by my favorite poet, Ralph Spaulding Cushman. The following poem is so meaningful to me. I long to be always aware that each day of life is a precious gift from the Lord. This day is full of wonder and beauty and Jesus comes to us in a thousand ways--in the sunlight, in the warm embrace of a friend, through His written Word.Lord, help us to see that You are real and that You're here with us.Photo creditTHIS DAYby Ralph Spaulding CushmanThis day, Lord, is Thy gift of grace,Wherein I may discern Thy lace!The sunbeams quivering on a treeReveal Thy constant care for me;This glad, green earth, the blue above,May tell the wonders of Thy love.But oh, dear Lord, lest blind my eyesShould grow to Thy wide lifting skies,To all Thy gifts of earth and sea,Lord, kee[...]

A bit of Poetry

This week I'm featuring a poem a day from my favorite poet--Ralph Spaulding Cushman. I resonate with him because he speaks my language--he loves God and nature and has a way of helping me to slow down and enjoy the most important things in life. I hope you'll take a few moments to pause, and be inspired! Photo creditPhoto credit"I Met God in the Morning"By Ralph Spaulding CushmanI met God in the morningwhen the day was at its best,And His Presence came like sunrise,Like a glory in my breast. All day long the Presence lingered,All day long He stayed with me,And we sailed in perfect calmnessO'er a very troubled sea. Other ships were blown and battered,Other ships were sore distressed,But the winds that seemed to drive them,Brought to me a peace and rest. Then I thought of other mornings,With[...]

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