Today is my mama’s 60th birthday, and since it’s not really polite to reveal a lady’s age, please don’t tell anyone I said that.
My mama has been a good mama to me. She’s taught me a lot of things. She’s very logical and concrete in her thinking, and since I’m very random and un-concrete (or whatever the opposite of concrete is) in my thinking, we’ve been good for each other. I mean, we’ve kind of driven each other nuts before, but there was this glorious day when my sweet mama came to this amazing realization. We’ve been much better friends ever since. I remember her coming to me and saying something like this:
“Maggie, I think in a straight line and you think in a wiggle. Now, it’s not wrong to think in a wiggle, it just takes a lot more time to get from one place to another.” And she was right. It does take a lot more time to get from here to there, but oh, the fun we “wiggle-thinkers” have at getting things done!!! That is, we hope to get at least something done…in the middle of all our getting distracted.
(She learned this from her sweet grandmother and passed it on to us.)
(I used to struggle a great deal with depressing thoughts– Mom would help cheer me up by reminding me to thank God for all my blessings. It really does work! You should try it!)