Author archives: Maggie

The Reality that Changes Everything

  If there really is a God who always ever was, an uncreated One who created all things. And if there truly is His Son, this Jesus--the only Being who existed eons before He was ever born--a God-Man who's always been around. Well, doesn't that change everything?I mean, if there really, truly, no-doubt is a God who spoke and sent the planets spinning and the stars blazing. A Great Architect who marked out the foundations of the earth, setting the sky firm in its place. This mountain-sculpting, ocean-carving God, who arranged this whole entire universe, I just can't help but wonder if it doesn't just change everything! If God is real, then this knowledge has to change me. And it does. It penetrates deep within.Because you see, I stand here wondering if there is really anything else more[...]

His Gifts

Counting again today, His gifts...A ridiculous burst of color all in one spot. (And eyes to see.)A grandpa, and a little boy with his daddy all out there in that yonder tractor. Walking through shafts of light...and the way I feel the light of my Maker's face upon mine in a dusty world.  Long walks down an old lane and us both admiring the aged things. Two years that have gotten increasingly louder, a little busier and way more fun. Packages in the mail! And the reminder that every good and perfect gift comes from the One who can't stop giving--this God who doesn't change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17)Lord, you are my Constant One. Please hold our feet firm by Your grace this week.

Chasing Turkeys

So, I've been trying to write more frequently--as in each weekday (because weekends are for steering clear of this here computer-machiney as much as I can, so I can thoroughly enjoy my family!) And this will be the first week of my whole entire life that I've posted each day! Woohoo! I did it! But, unfortunately, I'm kind of running out of important things to talk to you about, so today is just going to have to be a weird, random story that popped into my head just now. And this story is about chasing turkeys. Ready? Here goes. Photo creditSo, a few years ago, like, before there was ever a Hope or a Gideon, I was driving along a very beautiful stretch of road when I decided that I needed to do something crazy. I decided that life is far too short to always be acting like a grown-up. L[...]

Being Filled

See this little gem? The way she lifts her face up to the sky, opening up all of herself to be filled with light? She lets me peek in. I think she's unashamed. And isn't she hopeful? The way she brightens up her little spot in the world? Even though there's death and decay all about her, she's not holding back. And though her life is brief, she seems to know her purpose. I should like to be like her.All of me, opening up, to be filled with all of Him--the One who made me. Unashamed. Letting others see the real me. And oh, so hopeful. That though there's circumstances all around me that make my heart say, "ouch," yet God is far more tender than I have realized Him to be. Far more merciful. Far more loving. Far more good. Let me not hold back, Lord, to be all that you created me to be. [...]

When It's Your Birfday

 Mama, do you think my hands got bigger today? Because I was thinkin' since it's my birfday that I can run a whole tons faster.  And do you think we can go to that man-store today? That one called Lowe's? Because since it's my birfday I was hoping I could go there and play in those toilets that they have just sittin' out so I can play in 'em. And I was plannin' on opening all those drawers they have on those cabinets at that man-store and maybe even climbin' on all those mowers. You know, since it's my birfday? And I also have in my head that I'd like to have full reign of the know--like without you comin' in here to check on me every five seconds. And I'd like to empty out all the cabinets without having to put anything away. And no yelling today, okay mama? No[...]

Giving Thanks in the Small Things

This is how I'm choosing to live my life--my one little life--with thanksgiving for all that He gives. I only get to live here a little while. This day has got to count.For warm sunshine on a face already warm with life!  For beautiful blue tired eyes...and the way I can't stop watching her...all her littleness. For my man and my little "big-daddy-man." (He becomes big-daddy-man when he's workin' with big daddy tools.) For the comfort of God's Word, for my warm cup of coffee, for my little kitty.That though the world shakes, I can hold onto the One unshakable--Jesus. (And that He's holding onto me, and never letting go.)Not height nor depth , nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39)

The Ways He Loves

By God's good grace, I'm gonna start a new adventure on this here blogger-ma-jiggy. I'm gonna try to post more often. Which is no small thing for me, seeing as I have two little people and one big person (that would be Brent) to take care of in this life. (And I have a hard enough time just keepin' up with myself!) But, what I'm going to be posting about more often is something that I'm already doing, so it shouldn't be too terribly difficult, right? For a little over a year now, I've been deeply impacted by a particular blogger, Ann Voskamp. God has used her to teach me how to fully embrace each moment in my life as a gift from Him. I do this by simply noticing the ways that He loves me--the ways He comes to me through a thousand "little" things. And I scribble them down, so I can remembe[...]

When You're Afraid to Be Real

I've been wondering some things lately. I've been wondering what it is about us that makes us so afraid to live naked, unmasked lives. You know, from showing our true colors? Like, who we really are...on our insides. I just wonder why it terrifies us so much to be exposed. Why it is that we worry so much about what people will think if they knew the struggles we face or the messes we make?Maybe it's our pride that holds people at a distance. Pride that says, "Nope--I'm doing fine. Don't need a thing." Pride that always wears the happy face. That doesn't let a person close enough to offer one bit of advice, for after all, we do have it all together. We're pretty good at appearing perfect, even when we're dying inside. Or perhaps it's shame we feel. The ugliness we see is hard enough fo[...]

The Story Of How A Wee Man Saved The Day From the Big Bad Mr. Winter

Once upon a time there was this abominable snow man, with evil red eyes, whose name was Mr. Winter. Deep down in his cold, calloused meany-head heart, he had some news. Some bad news. And he was looking for someone to tell it to. He was hoping to ruin someone's day.So, he wandered up and down the streets for hours until he heard a small little voice. The small little voice was coming from a wee little man, who happened to be playing in his yard. For, you see, he was tired of being in the stuffy indoors and needed some fresh air. So, Mr. Winter made his way up the wee little man's driveway and cleared his throat, (because that's what abominable snow men do, right before they want to tell you their very bad news.)"Ahem...hello there little man," chirped Mr. Winter. "I am Mr. Winter and I com[...]

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