Category archives: Restoring Wonder

On Finding Rest in a Hectic Life

Over the weekend, Brent and I took a rest. We loaded up the kids and took them to meet their Grandma and Grandpa. Then we gave them smooches and waved good-bye and got back in the van and had so much fun together—just the two of us. We ate good food that we didn’t have to cook and laughed a good deal at each other. In all the daily grind of things, I had forgotten how ridiculously funny Brent can be. Because when he comes home from work, it’s supper time and I can hardly hear him tell me about his day (or vice versa) over all the chaos. Like trying to get Hopey to stay in her chair and eat her food while Gideon explains the difference between steam engines and power trains and Samuel protests loudly that he’s through with his meat and taters and really needs his sippie cup. And I [...]

When You Feel Like You're Just Existing

Yesterday was a struggle for joy. Some days I just forget the meaning of life. I actually forget why I'm here and what's the point of everything and I sit at the table at the end of the day and mention to Brent that I feel like I'm just existing.My brain gets fuzzy and I feel confused because I look around me and there are so many things to be happy about and to be thankful for...but for some reason, joy just isn't there.What if Who I believe in isn't true? What if we just come to the end and find that all there is, is nothing.Doubt. Worry. Fear.Now, why am I here again? What is it that's so important? Would someone please help me see?I whisper prayers and voice my thoughts. Questions still come.I ask for eyes to see.I stop to gaze at black-eyed Susans. What is the meaning of all thi[...]

How to Savor Joy

There are countless ways that God graces our lives with His Presence...we only need eyes to see.He whispers His love to us in a thousand different languages.At times He shouts it out.We only need ears to hear.There's a joy-song just waiting to be sung with our lives.It's intoxicating and relentless.We only need a heart in tune.Lord, please wash away the blindness from our eyes. Please take away the deafness from our ears. And Jesus, please take the hardness from our hearts. We need eyes to truly see...ears to truly hear...hearts that can feel You. Especially in this daily grime of life. You are our Joy. We long to savor You.


Photo credit God, in His Word, talks about a kind of living life that is truly living: “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” I Timothy 6:17-19I love the following poem by my favorite poet, Ralph Cushman, because he expresses how there is seeing, and then there is truly seeing. Lord, help us to taste and see that You are good. Open our spiritual eyes to truly see as You've created us to. Reborn by Ralph Spaulding Cushman I did not kn[...]

This Day

This week I'm featuring a poem a day by my favorite poet, Ralph Spaulding Cushman. The following poem is so meaningful to me. I long to be always aware that each day of life is a precious gift from the Lord. This day is full of wonder and beauty and Jesus comes to us in a thousand ways--in the sunlight, in the warm embrace of a friend, through His written Word.Lord, help us to see that You are real and that You're here with us.Photo creditTHIS DAYby Ralph Spaulding CushmanThis day, Lord, is Thy gift of grace,Wherein I may discern Thy lace!The sunbeams quivering on a treeReveal Thy constant care for me;This glad, green earth, the blue above,May tell the wonders of Thy love.But oh, dear Lord, lest blind my eyesShould grow to Thy wide lifting skies,To all Thy gifts of earth and sea,Lord, kee[...]

Be Still

Morning came and I slipped out the back door. I didn't know the river would be cloaked in fog. I wasn't expecting to see only this one glorious tree, hugging the hillside, inviting me to be still and listen for His voice. I came seeking Him and needing to be filled.Hungry-hearted, I stood still. Hushed. "Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted in the nations. I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:9-11)And I watched as warm morning light seeped slowly through the haze, revealing soft blue above."Oh, send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me. Let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling." (Psalm 43:3)Two swans appeared. Tranquility. "You will keep in perfect peace, whose mind in stayed on You, because he trusts in You." (Isaiah 26:3)The day rushes on.B[...]

One Way That I Enjoy Life...

One of the reasons why I started this blog is because I want to share life with you. And I want to somehow do my part to help you enjoy your life a little more. One way I can do that, is by encouraging you not to fill up your life with too much busyness and hurry, but to pause...and take time to enjoy the wonder and awe of God and His creation.This here window is in the basement bedroom that we're staying in. Every day I peek over the plants and look to see what sort of critters have fallen down overnight. This weekend, I saw something that I've been aching to see for a long time--a SALAMANDER!!! Actually, I saw two salamanders, even better.I vividly remember the first time I ever dug one of them up in the backyard as a little girl. I was completely mesmerized to find the sweetest, sleekes[...]

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