Some People I’m Really Thankful For

This year Thanksgiving didn’t go quite like I had imagined it would. Poor Pa got the flu so Mom and Dad weren’t able to come for a visit after all. Ironically, I got the flu, too, and felt pretty crummy.

I was tempted to mope and pout but it seemed so strange to choose to be ungrateful on Thanksgiving of all days! Besides, I truly have so much to be thankful for. And life is too fleeting not to say the things that matter most. So, today, I’ve narrowed down 5 blessings that I’m extremely thankful for.

My Pa

My Dad is the most faithful man I know. He’s gotten up every day for all his working life, and worked at a job that’s been grueling and that is by no means his favorite, so he could faithfully provide for his family. While his body now suffers the effects of years of intense labor, he remains strong. He’ll always be strong to me.

My Ma

My Mom has probably been the single most impactful person in my life. She taught me about Jesus. When she messed up, she asked for my forgiveness. She spoke truth to me time and time again, just so I could keep going during those hard years. I confess that I wasn’t always fond of her, (and I’m sure she wasn’t always fond of me, either) but she is now one of my closest friends.


You know, I never actually thought I was going to get married. I know it’s strange, but it was kind of like one of those things that was too good to ever come true. So, pretty much every day, I thank God for Brent. He is such a gift to me. It’s an incredible blessing to be able to share life with my best friend. He’s funny-he makes me laugh hysterically. He’s wise. He’s tender and kind. He’s so thoughtful. For example, today he came home for lunch and as he was leaving, I guess I looked discouraged about something. So, he got out of the car and came back to the door just to ask me if I was okay. He’s rare. He’s amazing. It hurts to imagine life without him. I thank the Lord for each day I have with him.


I love that little guy. At this point in his life, his mouth hurts a lot because he’s teething. And for some reason, he feels so much better when I carry him around with me…everywhere…all the time. (Don’t we all feel better when we’re held?) I love the way he wraps his little arm around mine just to hang on tight. I love the way he’s looking around observing life and all of a sudden, he just stares up at me. I love it when he makes those deep gutteral growling noises like a bear, or those high pitched shrieks and sounds just like a Pterodactyl. (I know there’s no possible way for me to know what a Pterodactyl sounds like, but I’m telling you, he sounds JUST LIKE ONE!)


He is my Creator. My Savior. He chases away my darkness and floods my world with Light. He is my Comforter. My Redeemer. My Refuge…and oh, how I have needed a refuge. He’s my Rock. My Deliverer. My Peace. He is worthy of my life. My affections. My highest thoughts. I am so thankful for Him. For His realness. His nearness. His tenderness. His lovingkindness. He is my Rescuer…the One I always needed. He is the Source of all my blessings.


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